New Pacemaker

I recently had a "new" medtronic pacer put in. The batteries on my old one pooped out. I feel like this pacer does a better job.
I have noticed during exercise that I am less short of breath now, then I was with the older Medtronic. Could this be possible or am I just imaginging it?

Another question.

Are life expentancies the same with pacemakers or are they lowered?


Is your new device rate responsive?

by admin - 2007-03-19 04:03:30

If your new device is rate responsive (i.e. adjusts your heart rate to meet your activity level), that would explain it. Another explaination could be the settings of your new device. I hope this helps. Blake

I have a question regarding your question!

by Suze - 2007-03-20 03:03:14

I'm glad you are doing so well. Are you asking about the life expectancy of the pacer - or OUR life expectancy after getting a pacemaker? I wasn't sure what you were asking. But, I'm a little dense sometimes.

New Pacemaker

by Vai - 2007-03-20 06:03:21

A fellow pacer shared similar experience. He replaced his "old" pacemaker after 11 years recently & noted the improvements. He changed from single lead to dual lead model. The life of pacemakers are dependent on many factors - one of the main factors is the frequency of use as measured by the interrogation report. The greater our dependency on it, the pm will be put to greater use and therefore have a shorter battery life span. The general idea of battery lifespan seem to be a range of 8 years to 12 years.

Pacemakers are little computers

by tigger78 - 2007-04-07 04:04:31

Pacemakers are little computers and the scientists always try to improve the hardware and software.

How old was your old pacemaker?
If its age is quite old, it is really possible that you feel an improvement (it so also happened to me a few years ago).

You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker interferes with your electronic scale.

Member Quotes

Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.