I'm an A-V Node ablated dude and I've been unnerved a couple three  times over the past year or so regarding this situation: I'm sitting, relaxed, reading and suddenly, a he-man tachycardia event erupts. After 5 seconds or so, I brace myself, waiting for my pacemakers CRT-D to fire. Another 5 - 10 seconds pass, and the tachy event stops (no CRT-D involvement). Anything to worry about?




by The real Patch - 2018-06-15 18:16:39

Your device is either treating the event with ATP (anti tachycardia pacing) which I rarely feel, or the event duration is not long enough, or the heart rate is not high enough to trigger a full Jesus Jolt. No matter which scenario, relax your device is doing what it's there for. 

For the novices ATP is overdrive where your device paces you faster than the event then stops, allowing your heart to go back to sinus rhythm

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