pacemaker lead replacement

I had a lead replaced for the second time after it came out.  I waited 7 months.  They have now found bacteria on the lead which was extracted.  Is this serious.  I am to have blood tests in two weeks time.  Has this happened to anyone else and what happens if blood test shows signs of this bacteria.



by donr - 2018-06-16 09:19:01

It is serious.  Any time bacteria is found that doesn't belong inside the body it can be serious.  The level of seriousness depends on the name of the bacteria.  Some are much worse than others.  There are some that colonize foreign objects inside the body (Like PM parts & leads) to the point they are like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.  Some grow so much flora that they can be seen on an ultrasound exam.  They can be tough to kill.  Why are they waiting 2 weeks to draw the blood? 



by Tracey_E - 2018-06-16 09:56:24

Yes, it is serious and I can't imagine why they'd wait two weeks to test!! This needs to be treated quickly and aggressively. I would want to be treated as if there was an infection, better to treat when not needed than have an infection grow for two weeks. 

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