day after surgery.

hey everyone,


so i had my lovely new micra ppm implanted yesterday and the operation went amazingly xx what an amazing team i had.

i am feeling rather woozy today though and i feel like my heart is being a little naughty  still every now and then..... i take it i will still feel like that but this is where my micra helps? i guess i'm looking for reassurance really as my micra is there to stop my pauses.... but when i feel a thud or a irregular beat i'm scared it's not doing its job. i know isoind ridiculous but did anyone else have this?? also i feel a bit breathless when walking xx it's an non invasive procedure so is this normal?!? 


love x 


Yep, you're normal

by Gotrhythm - 2018-06-20 11:11:59

Having with a pacemaker is a totally new experience for you--of course you don't know what to expect and how to tell what's happening. And for a lot of people that's really anxiety provokiong. For a whlie we had a poll running asking about anxiety. The best I recall almost 70% said they experienced anxiety initially. I think it's safe to say that some anxiety is absolutley normal.

It's also normal to feel some extra thuds or irregular beats immediately post implant. Lots of theories about why this is so, but what you need to learn is that that those thumps and odd little premature beats are not a signal that your heart is about to stop. Why? because you have a pacemaker. 

The pacemaker is always there, timing your heartbeats. It "knows" when the next beat is due. If your heart beats when it is supposed to, the pacemaker does nothing. It just keeps timing every beat. If it takes too long, the pacemaker will supply a beat. Then it starts timing again. And so on. All day, all night.

Your pacemaker is your friend. Always awake. Always watching over your heart. Ready to supply any beat that's missed. Learn to trust it.

Be gentle with yourself. But stay positive. Mental attitude really matters.


by krista1 - 2018-06-22 15:20:54

thanks everyone i really appreciate your support and kind words x i am definitely suffering from anxiety x 

im struggling today i have to admit and i'm really quite scared x my heart is really thudding and i went dizzy twice ( had this before the pacemaker too) guys i'm really scared x do you think i should maybe ring my ep x it's only been three days but i am scared! 

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