Planks and push-ups

Hi! I've had my pacemaker for almost 3 months. The past two weeks I started doing a plank challenge, so doing daily planks and occasional push-ups. I've noticed my pacemaker now seems to protrude slightly more, especially towards the top. I don't know that others would notice, but it definitely feels different to me. Just par for the course or should I stop/be concerned? Thanks!


Perfectly normal

by AgentX86 - 2018-06-21 13:57:22

Don't you just hate it when everyone tells you  "it's perfectly normal", no matter what you ask?

"Doc, I have this arrow sticking through my head."  "Well, Mr. Chase, that's perfectly normal."

The pacemaker sticking out more on top than the bottom is normal. It's a flat plate sitting on a curved (pectoral) muscle. As the swelling goes down the pacemaker appears more pronounced. You're probably adding muscle,  making the flat plate on curved surface  even more pronounced. Mine does the same thing.

what's normal

by Tracey_E - 2018-06-21 21:38:34

They are (in theory) stitched into place but if it's under the muscle, muscles move. Or some surgeons don't bother to stitch, or they can be stitched but come loose.  So yes it's possible it moved. If it doesn't hurt and it doesn't bother you, no big deal. Mine shifts around more than it should. My doc said it won't hurt it. Sometimes it catches on the edge of my workout bra, some movements at the gym I can feel it shift around. Annoying but harmless.

Pacemaker moves bulges

by Renny - 2018-06-30 21:53:30

hi, I’m seven months in since implant under the skin, not muscle.  It doesn’t move as much now and it is a noticeable bulge.  No more stinging though.  The wires on one side are really noticeable but honestly I don't care.  As long as it does it job and doesn’t hurt.  I think for some the swelling goes down quicker but mine was quite slow.  Nurses at heart failure clinic have checked it, just keeping an eye on one wire which is quite prominent.

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