Cardio MEMS

Any CARDIO MEMS users here?




by donr - 2018-06-26 21:51:47 a MEMS?



by AgentX86 - 2018-06-26 23:09:46

They're pretty cool, actually.  They're an implantable device used to monitor blood pressure and heart rate that doesn't use a battery, so evidently can be left in place indefinitely.


Cardio MEMS

by DAVID H - 2018-08-08 17:03:06

Answer by Mayo's Dr. Margaret Redfield's nurse to my inquiry: "CardioMEMS is a newer technology that is used to monitor for fluid retention. We started using this technology in 2015 in the heart failure clinic and have only used this in a small group of patients thus far. Here is some general information about it for you. A patient has a small device (smaller than a paperclip) implanted in the pulmonary artery during a right heart catheterization procedure. The patient would then lay on a pillow each day to take a reading of the pulmonary artery pressure which gives an indication of the fluid level in their body. This reading is taken daily and trended over time by the doctor's office. When the pressure readings rise, this is an indication of rising fluid levels, so a doctor could intervene before the patient even feels symptoms of heart failure. This technology was shown to be quite effective at reducing hospital admissions during the research studies. There are requirements a person must meet in order for Medicare to pay for this device and that includes a hospital stay for heart failure management in the last one year." 

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