Possible 2nd Pacemaker

I had a dual chamber pacemaker put in in May of this year.  I noticed the incision wasnt closing and before i knew it the pacemaker was coming out.  Next morni g it was removed.  I was in a few days and my cardio doc instead of putting another one in decided i should go for more tests.  Yesterday my vitals tanked again.  Heartrate is under 50 and low bp.  I asked for another doc.  Shouldnt they just put another pacemaker in?


Implant fail.

by AgentX86 - 2018-06-30 13:16:10

Is your "cardio doc" a board certified electrophysiologist?  If not, get one immediately!  If your doc said you needed a pacemaker, the implant failed, and is now questioning whether you need a pacemaker, something has gone very wrong in the process (not necessarily anything to do with you).

Thank you

by Acidpink - 2018-06-30 13:43:11

Thank you so much for the reassurance.  Im so stressed out

You need different doctors and better answers

by Gotrhythm - 2018-07-01 16:23:18

Your questions are completely reasonable. I'm glad you spoke up.

Everyone's advice about finding an EP is right on.

Let me add that your wound refusing to heal and the pacemaker coming out is very, very unusual. You local doctors might mean well but they might be in over their heads. In fact your condition is so unusual that even if you have to travel, you might be best off to go to a major medical center, associated with a university where they have more experience and better resources. 

Going to Duke saved my life.


replacing the pacer

by Tracey_E - 2018-07-01 21:37:21

If there is any chance at all it came out due to infection, then you don't want it back in yet. Infection needs to be cleared first, then they can consider replacing it. I'm with the others, you need a new doctor, preferably a board certified ep. 

You know you're wired when...

You have a new body part.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.