Problem with stairs?

Lately, I have been having issues while hiking. Steep inclines are not an issue, but once I start climbing stairs, I get all the signs I am about to pass out. It takes about 20 minutes for my symptoms to cease and I am left incredibly shaky. I have not lost consciousness yet, however. I have not had this issue since before I had my PM implanted in 2011. This last episode, I had the foresight to bring a BP cuff. While my vision was too blurry to read, I am told it read 129/30. Will be seeing the cardiologist this week, but was wondering if anyone had any insights. 31 year old female, no other issues currently. Thanks! 



by Grateful Heart - 2018-07-09 11:28:52

I get out of breath after climbing stairs too.  It may be just a setting adjustment is needed but I'm able to work out in the gym....usually with a problem so I don't want to mess with the settings for me.

If you are feeling like you may pass out, definitely mention it to your Cardio.  Your BP reading is a concern at /30.  Take it easy until the appointment.

Grateful Heart


Check you pulse

by Gotrhythm - 2018-07-09 13:52:58

Blood pressure won't tell you much but climbing stairs requires your heart rate to speed up pretty fast. Knowing what your pulse is at the top of the stairs will give you more useful information to take to your EP.

Passing out or nearly passing out isn't good. You definitely need to get this looked into.


by AgentX86 - 2018-07-09 22:30:39

I'd make an appointment with a cardiologist, as well as your EP.  With those symptoms, I'd want to have both the electrical and plumbing systems checked out. 

I have no problem walking up hill or with an elevated treadmill but stairs can be a problem for me.  I'll get winded but it doesn't take 20 minutes to recover (more like 20 seconds).  Those symptoms sound a lot like mine, before my CABG. 

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