My Story and how it led to my Invention

I had my heart attack on Christmas eve, had a temporary pacemaker put in Christmas morning and had my permament Pacmeaker inserted on  December 26, and was home that evening. 

Read my story and see my Pacemaker Incision Pad at


Well done !

by IAN MC - 2018-07-15 14:12:17

I have just read your story and found it interesting. What a way to spend Christmas !

I have never worn a bra and I suspect that my wife would find it strange if I did........ but I imagine that your pacemaker incision-pads are really useful.

You make some very good points re ladies having different symptoms to men when having a heart attack . I was reading just yesterday that heart attacks would kill fewer women if they received the same treatments as men on presenting with symptoms. But typically doctors see heart attacks as being a male problem. So women are far less likely to be offered stents, statins etc.  The fact that the presenting symptoms may be slightly different with women adds to the problem.

Fortunately  as far as I know , doctors don't have the same gender mental-block re electrical heart problems requiring pacemakers.

Welcome to the club


Visiting my site (there is no link)

by Stormy1 - 2018-07-15 15:43:22


I listed the site to visit I did not put it in as a "link."  You are perfectly safe going to my website.




Thank you taking the time to read my story.  It was quite scary, but I was lucky to have people around to help me.  Great doctors and great family.

If you wear the "A type" under shirt you can still wear the Pip's Petal.  You would just have to fold the strap fabric over a bit before attaching it.



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Lifetime warranty no longer gives peace of mind.

Member Quotes

My ICD/pacer is not a burden. I still play tennis and golf.