Post Op

Hi PM people 😊 Day 3 post op and the pain is awful on the site, my arm and under my breast. Now I have a pretty high pain tolerance but this is not letting up. Was told to take Tylenol and use ice if needed. Am I expecting to much to quickly? I’m not doing anything except just trying to get comfortable to sleep, I’m exhausted 💤 

Sorry to whine but any thoughts 💭?



by Tracey_E - 2018-07-18 20:12:23

Go ahead and whine! We get it. Have you done the ice and tylenol regularly? It's easier to stay on top of it than let it build up then try to get it under control.  You can't ice too often.

It's ok to take advil with tylenol. I'll alternate 2 advil at 9, tylenol at 12, 2 advil at 3. That way one never wears off before the other kicks in. You can also do up to 4 advil, that's prescription strength. Not good long term, but it's ok for a few days to get you through. 

I found it easiest to sleep hugging a small pillow. 

It will get better very soon! Day 3-4 is always turning a corner for me. 


by bluevelvetcake - 2018-07-18 21:23:53

yep, everyone makes it seem like this doesn't hurt so when it hurt so much for me I worried something was wrong with mine. Nothing was wrong. Mine just hurt. Day ten was when I could really move around and feel relaxed rather than tense with pain. 

Oh and for me ice made it so much worse. I don't know why but it hurt more with the ice. 

Hang in there. I'm a month and half in and it doesn't bother me very much now. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. 


Pain after Pacemaker Implant

by - 2018-07-19 22:01:32

You may simply have routine postoperative pain at the device site but pay close attention to any unexpected swelling at the site or your implant side shoulder and arm. A pocket hematoma is a collection of blood around the pacemaker device but underneath the skin. Swelling and pain may be signs of a device pocket hematoma. Most hematomas resolve with watchful waiting and do not require a repeat surgery. They resolve over four to six weeks and can often have significant associated bruising, which also resolves over that time period. Worrisome signs include: continued swelling, redness, warmth, bleeding, oozing, or changes in the incision. There are plenty of other causes of pain at a pacemaker site but they are less common. It is important to call the implanting physician with any worries about incision or pocket healing.

Hope this helps.

Advil is our friend

by Rookie - 2018-07-23 17:06:09

Hoping that things are easier for you now but I found that a Tylenol with an Advil every four hours kept the pain to a minimum. Day 4/5 things got much easier painwise. I'm at one week now and can see that I have to remind myself not to lift that arm up too high. Feel better !!!

One week post op

by Celeste67 - 2018-07-23 17:38:17

Today marks one week and I’ve definitely turned the corner. Pain is almost gone with just taking Advil as needed. I do find myself getting tired if I try and do much. I don’t see the doctor until August 2 and they said no driving 😣 I still have to be careful of how Move or lift my arm. 

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Now if I can only get used to the feeling of pacing (can’t say I always feel it) but I’m aware of it.



by Dinergal - 2018-09-08 19:36:28

I feel your pain...A sports bra definitely helped me.

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It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.