update time once again!

I got my day finally scheduled to go to Mayo Clinic it will be Oct. 1 and 2nd. The first cardiologist apt was suppose to be in Aug. and he referred me on right away is what the lady over the phone told me today. I take it that he knew he couldn't do anything for me.
I still have been pretty weak and continue to get tired really easy though have came to realize that i'm just going to have to work around this.
My chriopractor has been one of my great friends through out my child hood and has almost always told me when I need to go see a doctor he helped me pick m surgeon. Anyways, I saw him today and he explained to me part of my problem has to do with a nerve that my pacemaker is resting at times over a nerve. Though he also said that he believes more testing needs to be done and another opinion will be good.
I was curious have any of you found anything that helps take away pain at all related to palpatations and spasms happening all the time? My doctor here gave me hydrocodone- ipf and it would take the pain away for a couple hours and it would come back. My EP here can't see me until sept and as of now it's just been a long process. I have heard from some to just go to a pain specialist and get on medication. Though I would like to avoid that route but am thinking that may have to happen. I sure don't know how miss Valerie just stays strong through pain. It's my weakest spot I hate pain.
So that is a semi update for now. I'm sure more questions will be coming soon.
On a positive note, I got to hang out with one of my good friends that has an ICD that I took care of four years ago when I worked at a camp. He came out to visit. He has a completely different condition but what was nice he understood everything I was feeling and told me that just can happen sometimes. It was nice being able to talk to somebody in person who really understood me.


You know you're wired when...

You know the difference between hardware and software.

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I am a competitive cyclist with a pacemaker!