I’m new to this group..I’m from Cali and had valve problem and had valve replacement 3 years ago..from been ok and recently develop afib and now candita for pM according to my doctor/Ep.Anyone had the same problem as mine Pm after valve replacement?im on the process of decision if I need to do Pm feel nervous and low pls help..I’m 39 TIA!


AFib and PM

by AgentX86 - 2018-08-14 22:28:26

I didn't have a valve replacement but I did have bypass surgery, with a Maze precedure, and LAA closure.  The Maze procedure, indended to fix my Afib, caused a highly symptomatic progression of Aflutter, which is why I had the AV node ablation.

You need to give us more detail before we can understand your situation.  Afib, by itself, isn't life threatening.  It does require management so that it doesn't cause V-fib or stokes, but this is all well traveled territory.  The issue is how bad your symptoms are and what you're willing to do to feel better. A pacemaker isn't going to "fix" Afib, so there is something else going on.


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