Being young and feeling old!

Hi y'all! To all the people that I have not met yet welcome to this amazing club. I thought my title was pretty good as its the way I have been feeling lately.
As many of you know I have been fighting with trying to get the numbness out of my left hand which now carries into my left leg. I have an apointment on the 14th to determine what the next step is. My pacer needs some more tuning as I think my heart has a mind of it's own. I recently lost my health insurance due to having a birthday, I had been praying that Oct would not come so soon but it came way too fast. I have had a hell of a time trying to get on a knew plan that I can financially afford. So to sum up I have been debating on meeting with my surgeon but knowing that I need to my mind has been going crazy over how much my bill will cost without insurance.
Though I keep thinking how blessed we all are. We do have something that is keeping us going daily. How sometimes I forget what a blessing the pacer really is though today I was reminded as I was spending time with family and having a family that does not agree with medical care and to look at them and say i'm still somewhat functioning and my body may seem older than yours my heart is still ticking.
I hope that each of you that are facing a lot right now are able to feel some peace knowing that you have a reason.



Other options

by The Bunny - 2007-11-13 04:11:54

You might check out what type of state funded health plans are available. Depending on your income, you may have to only pay a little or maybe nothing.

Also, someone told me that you can even negotiate the charges...even paying cash up front can bring the cost way down! It's unbelievable that this is so! If you have insurance, the drs/healthcare agencies charge the highest because they know it is covered by insurance.
There is always payment plans too.

Good luck, but please take care of YOU! You're worth it!

You know you're wired when...

Microwave ovens make you spark.

Member Quotes

I'm a runner, mountain climber, kayaker, snow skier, bicycler and scuba diver. The only activity among those that I'm not yet cleared to do is scuba diving, and when I am cleared, I'll be limited to diving to 50 feet.