I'm going to be an Auntie soon!

So this has nothing to do with my heart at all but I had enough energy today to take the two hour drive to come await my sister to have her baby. God sure is blessing me with enough energy to sit and wait but I am ready for he baby to just come.
A quick update for those of you that told me to look into state options I did not qulaify for any help for insurance and still can not seem to fine any insurance company that will cover me. I have been having a lot of spasms through out my body and sometimes have loss of feeling in my hands and feet. My heart doctor wants me to get tested for fibromylegia not sure on spelling. It is def. going to cost a lot to get this test so I scheduled that visit for mid Dec. I am just learning what exactly that is and by the sounds I may have it.
Well I am off to see how soon I will be an auntie. To all who have been keeping me in your thoughts through things lately thanks so much. Have a very blessed week.



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