Be-lated Birthdays!

So I am not creative at all like Valerie.. but ela-girl was right we are behind on some b-days.

For the month of Feb here is the b-day list that Valerie had sent me a while back:

Blake (admin): February 10
. Valerie: February 14

So to both Blake and Valerie sorry i'm late but I hope that you both had great birthdays!

To anybody that I have forgotten your not on my birthday list. So you will have to send me some messages with your birthday and your pacer birthday!

Once again Happy Be-lated Birthday... Now the creative souls out there has to come up with the part that gives us all a laugh..



You Rock!

by pacergirl - 2008-02-19 10:02:00


You just be who you are and that will be good enough for me. Thank you for picking up the slack!

Happy Birthday Blake and Valerie! Y@@ H@@!!!!

My pacer birthday is coming up on February 22nd! hee hee it will be 3 years old and has 17 months of life left in it at present rate of pacing at 95%

My pacer was my wedding anniversary gift! Now, not every woman can say they got a $35,000 implant and their life for a 34th wedding ann. gift! It was quite the surprise. Tired one day nearly dead the next and WHAM! A pacemaker. ha ha'

love, Pacergirl

lol lol yes nearly dead

by jessie - 2008-02-19 11:02:38

i kept saying to john how do you feel i am exhausted, his reply i have been exhausted for years. big help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!then whammy a pacemaker for my 65 th birthday. so susie you got the gift of life on your anniversary. we have these great gifts from our husbands on anniversaries and birthdays . i know that he is just glad you are here. i know john is. tammy thanks for taking this over, it is important. happy birthday blake and valerie even tho it is belated. you have stepped up to the plate tammy. thank you. jessie

########## HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ##########

by Stepford_Wife - 2008-02-20 01:02:29

Belated or not, Happy Birthday to two wonderful people. Happy Belated Birthday Blake,
Happy Belated Birthday Valerie.
May you have many many more.

~ Dominique ~


by tcrabtree85 - 2008-02-20 01:02:46

Wonderful Valerie would ask for peoples birthdays a while back she gave the list out I saved a copy and then my computer died out on me. I just got my computer fixed so I am trying to keep up with it so I can add others to the list. All the newer people I have not made it around yet to ask for peoples b-days. So if your reading this please give me you b-day and pacer b-day so I can add it to the collection. Thanks!

updating profiles

by gevans - 2008-02-20 12:02:11

I know birth year is asked for on the profile...I was just wondering how someone gets the actual date? Also, has anyone else noticed that the default if you don't add the year of your birth must be 1870 (or something like that). Whenever I see on a name I'm not familiar with in "whos online", I love checking for their hometown or interests. I wish more emphasis was placed on updating that so that we could meet more people that share something in common - besides the little friend in our chest.


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