Slight pain in the implant site

Hi,I was wondering if it's normal to sometimes feel a quick sharp pain(doesnt last long just about like half a second) around the implant location even after 1 month of surgery?


All sorts of stuff

by Theknotguy - 2018-09-24 07:32:04

Your question about it being normal to feel a quick sharp pain in pacemaker area is a good question.  You can get all sorts of feelings in and around the pacemaker site.  Those feelings start right after the pacemaker is implanted and can go on for about a year in some cases.  At least they did for me.  Mostly the feelings are nerve regeneration in the pacemaker area.  

There is the skin healing from the cut.  Some people report "ant bites" type of feelings from that.  At, or about nine months, I got severe itching in the pacemaker pocket area.  When I started getting more active the entire pocket area would get sore because I was moving the underlying muscles.  And there would be little twinges that would happen and for which I had no explanation.  

As long as the pacemaker pocket area isn't showing signs of infection and you aren't having problems with your pacemaker functioning you really don't have to worry.  Pain that goes on for a long time would be something to worry about too.  Infection signs would be redness, swelling, and discharges of various types of liquid from the skin cutting area.  

Remember, they opened the skin and put a foreign object into your body.  So there will be some adjustment.  

I hope everything else is going well and you are quickly adjusting to your pacemaker.  

quick sharp pains..

by MissFitts - 2018-09-24 10:03:56

As it happens I went for my check up this morning, and asked the same question, My pacemaker was inserted in May, and I still get the odd twinge just as you describe. I was reassured to be told it was perfectly normal to experience these, so I will not worry, and hope neither will you. 

Yes Indeedy

by Grateful Heart - 2018-09-24 12:17:50

I call the feeling ant bites.  If you have ever been bitten by an ant...ouch!!

It is the nerves regenerating.  It will come and go and can last up to about a year and then will subside.  Not everyone feels it but for those of us who do....normal.

Grateful Heart

Best forum ever.

by bingomos - 2018-09-24 13:52:19

Thank you so much for responding to my question you guys are the best.:)

Sharp pains

by Racing - 2018-10-08 13:12:01

Your posts just answered my question.  Thank you.  I really didn't know what to expect after the pm procedure.  My sternum area has also been very sore along with the area around the pm.  The pm is on my right side because I am left handed and my right arm gets some twinges. I forgot about nerves around the muscle and how they can be affected.  I wish I had known about this sight beforehand.  It is a great site and everyone's comments have been very helpful.

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