Eliquis & depression?

Hi PM Club family,

Has anyone ever experienced nasty side effects from Eliquis involving depression, extreme fatigue, pretty much being close to cracking at any point/bursting out in tears for no good reason - or sometimes just feeling numb to everything and everybody around you?

I’m currently on 5mg twice a day for a partial subclavial thrombosis, was told to be on it for a month but i’m already losing it after 10 days. I was as happy as a clam for the first 2 months after getting my PM and now i’m the complete opposite and i somehow tend to blame this pesky Eliquis. Anyone felt similar?

Thanks so much, hugs to all


Medication reactions

by Theknotguy - 2018-09-24 22:21:17

Different people react differently to different medications. I'm on the same dosage as you and have been on it for years.  No problems.  

But that doesn't mean anything.  Please  call your doctor and see if you can get switched to something else.  Maybe it isn't the Eliquis (Apixiban) but you won't know until you get switched to something else.

I hope they find something for you quickly.  


by AgentX86 - 2018-09-24 22:28:30

I've ben taking Eliquis for a few years now and I think the only side effect (can't be sure it's the Eliquis) is that I'm cold when I shouldn't be (under 78F, or so).  When we go out to eat, I have to bring a sweater with me.  The AC in most restaurants makes me feel like I'm outside in a Vermong Winter, not a Georgia Summer.

Emotional and mental changes aren't on the list of Eliquis' side effects.  I'd look elsewhere.  You can (and should for all drugs you're prescribed) look up the side effects of drugs online.  There are several very good and readable descriptions of drugs available.  The web is a really good resource for this sort of thing.



by Electric Elise - 2018-09-24 22:38:34

Thanks for taking the time to write back, much appreciated.

i had already checked online for side effects (an old and deeply rooted habit of mine), however there wasn’t much said about emotional changes.. and so i thought i’d check with the community as well, for good measure


by AgentX86 - 2018-09-25 01:07:41

It's always a wise move to do your research. There is so much for all of us to learn.

Could be the "pesky " Eliquis

by IAN MC - 2018-09-25 12:53:44

Hello EE   Try doing a search " Can Apixaban cause depression ?  " and you will find that yes it can, although it is not a common side-effect. 

Depression / bursting into tears / insomnia has been reported in 1 to  10  % of patients and  there is some suggestion that it may be more common when used in patients like yourself who have experienced a thrombosis.

If I were you, I would ask to be switched to one of the other newer blood-thinners and see how you feel

Best of luck



by Electric Elise - 2018-09-25 12:58:42

Thank you, Ian!

i’ll talk to the EP, although i’m secretly hoping he’ll say “oh you’re only meant to be on it for one month” and send me on my merry way. A month i can do, hehe!

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