It feels like forever!

It feels like forever without being on here to check in on my great friends. I am officially in the Chicago area now it still seems weird to be here. To all who have prayed for my move thank you it means a lot.
I just wanted y'all to know you are in my thoughts often and I miss talking to a lot of you. I hope things are well and that life is going well.
To all the recent birthday people on the site who I have missed. I hope your special day was great and very blessed. Dominque thank you for keeping up with the birthdays.
Many thoughts to all the new members I have not met. I look forward to getting to know each of you very soon. Until I am more settled in talk to you soon.

Blessings and Love,


Hey Girl.

by OIMAPRINCESS2477 - 2008-07-17 09:07:28

Hey Girl its great to hear from you. I am glad the move is going well. Sorry I haven't been on aol lately I am coming up on finals for the summer semester. I am glad things went good with the move. Things will start to feel more normal soon. Once you make new friends it will be like your where you are suppse to be. Good Luck

Love ya girl,

You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic man.

Member Quotes

The experience of having a couple of lengths of wire fed into your heart muscle and an electronic 'box' tucked under the skin is not an insignificant event, but you will survive.