Can they move it easily?

Hi all I have missed you guys lately. I was hoping for somebody's opinion. Lately I have just been wanting to have my pm taken completely out and never deal with it again. I know not a good attitude and I am working on its just shes been giving me hell for so long.
I thought it was so much better after they turned off the bottom lead and then a month ago when I went into the hospital they turned it back on. My spasms have gotten worse and I feel as my pm moves around and presses on a nerve.
I get pain going down my back and into my left arm. Has anybody experienced anything like this? How did you deal with the pain that came with it? When I seem to talk to others about it they just don't understand that I still go on with my days but I am in a tremendous amount of pain. Lately I have just felt like crying. I have no chest pain I feel it pacing in the bottom. I go for setting changes tomorrow. But it's like I am back to point A where they can't figure out why I spasm so much. Any thoughts? I know some of you out there know my story and hopefully can give me some advice.
I miss all of you dearly and to all the people that I have not had a chance to meet yet welcome!

Blessings and love,


dont take it out

by dual pacer - 2008-09-22 11:09:07

let me reprogram you and turn off the bottom lead if that made a difference. Could it be that there is some nerve damage? that what my dr. told me the sharp shooting pain is from. Also, if they had to dig around for the old one this will also add to the pain. hope you get relief and results take care.


by Tracey_E - 2008-09-22 12:09:01

I would go for a reposition before taking it out completely, especially if you're using it. They shouldn't move but it's been known to happen. If they reposition and make a new pocket, they can stitch it into place.

Mine is buried under (posterior to) the breast, with the incision on my side, about where an underwire falls. The recovery time is longer but it doesn't give me any problems whatsoever.

Don't know

by 1of4kids - 2008-09-23 09:09:53

In 2001, I asked my EP if he will take out my pacemaker and he told me that he won't do it because of complications. In term he turned my pacer off for a whole year per my request because I did not need it and I have never felt so good. I have the pacer turned back on a year later and I started to have pain around the pacer site and other problems.
My pacer is in the ERT mode now and will need a replacement soon, but I am unsure if I want a replacement since the pacer never did help with my symptoms in the last 10 years.
Every time I mentioned the pain to him, he just told me that it is scar tissue and not to be alarmed.

I had mine moved

by G - 2008-09-24 12:09:58

My pacemaker was making me crazy. It was flipping onto its edge when I would lie on my left side and it would also migrate around. I was really uncomfortable. So I had the surgeon put it under my pectoral muscle and now I don't even notice it. The seat belt doesn't bother me and it is far less obvious now. The procedure to move it was pretty easy and I was healed in about a week.

If your doctor will move it, it could make it more bearable for you, but I'd leave it in, you never know when that little machine will be needed!


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