FATIQUE (year+ after implant)

I am over 1 and 1/2 years post 2-lead pacemaker implant.  Last device check showed it was working as intended.  However; in the past 6 weeks I have suddenly developed extreme fatique.  For example, I went to bed early last night (9:30ish) and slept through to 7:15 this morning, with only 3 or 4 awake periods that I remember.  This morning I was completely fatiqued by 10:30 and by 12:00 I had to nap.  I woke up felling a little more energy, but by 1:30 was extremely fatigued again and needed another nap.  This has been getting progressively worse and the time between needed naps is getting shorter and shorter.  It concerns me as this was one of the main symptoms that developed pre-implant.

Anyone else (post implant) having this issue?

T'ankx ya'll


Fatigue can have many causes

by Gotrhythm - 2018-10-06 18:55:00

Lasting fatigue needs to be looked into. But it would be a mistake to assume that the pacemaker is the cause, or the only cause. Many diseases and conditions present with extreme tiredness as a symptom. Anemia and sleep apnea, just to name two. It sounds strange but for me the most obvious symptom of asthma is feeling fatigue. And of course, many of the drugs heart conditions are treated with have fatigue as a side effect. When searching for the cause of fatigue there's a lot to look at.

See your medical care provider and really level about how you are feeling. 

By the way, when they say, "Your pacemaker is working fine," they mean it is behaving the way it is programmed to. Heart conditions change over time. Settings that were right for you at one time, may no longer be what you need. It isn't unusual to need some tweaking of your settings when time has passed.

Hope you find out what is going on and feel better soon.

FATIGUE (year+ after implant)

by SicSinusCid - 2018-10-07 10:51:17

Thank you 'GotRythm' (love your aptronym!)

I have an appointment with my cardiologist next week.  I will discuss this with her and it she recommends a course of action (eg: discussing with my GP) I will gladly do so.  I'm really fed up with this fatigue.

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