Unexplained chest pain

I am 58 years old and have had 2 pacemakers in one year due to the wrong one the first time.. the first one hurt constantly as it slid over under my shoulder bone. But i never felt the kind of feelings i get now, which is a heavy feeling (pressure) with pain type prickly sensations all around where the pacemaker is, also when i stand for any length of time it hurts in that same area so badly the pains radiate all the way through my shoulder to my back and up the left  side of my neck and shoulder area, even down my arm. It isn’t so  bad i cant stand it, but very uncomfortable  and last anywhere from 30 seconds to 4 minutes at a time, my arm and hands feel weak also at this time. I am exhausted afterwards. I took my bp today and it showed a irregular heartbeat, this being the first time ive had that since my first pacemaker. Has anyone else had anything for like this? My cardiologist says my heart is good, even improving from 30% to 50%, why do I still have these episodes? I was a very active mom/grandma before the first pacemaker july 2017


talk to your GP

by Tracey_E - 2018-10-08 10:28:06

Some cardiologists forget there's more to us than our hearts. Your heart is doing great, 30 to 50% is a huge jump! However it sounds like maybe the box is situated on a nerve or something else is going on. Have you been evaluated for clots? Sent for physical therapy? If the cardio won't listen, talk to your GP or find another cardio. 

I got pericarditis after my pacemaker implant

by Tumbleweed - 2018-10-11 02:11:17

I got pericarditis after my pacemaker implant and found it very difficult to lie down because of the pain in the left side of my chest and the middle of my chest. The doctors said it can sometimes occur from inflammation accompanying the implantation of the pacemaker and its leads. Has your doctor checked your inflammation rate? My ESR lab was elevated as a result.



by pattidoo - 2018-10-19 08:34:17

Called cardiologist who scheduled a sonogram of my veins, had that done and it showed everything good. Then went on a shopping trip with daughter and halfway through had to stop because was getting nauseated from walking and the feeling of   Low blood sugar ( im not diabetic) but that queasy maybe if id eat something id feel better feeling.. id just had lunch and wasn’t hungry. So she did the unload and reloading of the merchandise. I took her home let her iff without going in because i felt shakey and off kilter.. I took off for the drive home made it a few blocks and reached with my left arm for the steering wheel with my left arm it didnt fully cooperates.. it semi-flopped and dropped onto my lap like it had fallen asleep. So i drove to mt GP office who did a ekg in the office and then sent me to the ER for further test. Which a cat was done which ruled out a stroke i guess. The ER dr said your labs and cat are good im releasing you to go home and see your GP tomorrow.. 

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