1 lead vs 2

I’m 27, was diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome at 18 which has worsened over time and developed Junctional Escape rhythm as well. My week long monitor showed a range of 32-198 bpm while I was on extremely limited activity restriction (no exercising, no walking more than 50ft, no lifting over 5lbs, etc). Had a pacemaker placed two weeks ago. My procedure was complicated and they were only able to place a ventricular lead even though I have a dual chamber pacemaker. I continue feeling flutters and they said my pacemaker is “fighting” with my SA node also resulting in PVC’s. I’m being sent to an EP to evaluate and see if the atrial lead is able to be placed. 

Has anyone been through something similar? How soon would they be able to try again (do I have to wait until my current site is completely healed)? Any other sick sinus syndrome patients with only a ventricular lead and having success with it? 


One lead not in needed 2nd surgery

by Jacquie - 2018-10-20 16:59:01


I had my first surgery September 14th. 

They did an xray and found the top lead not in place.

So I had 2nd Surgery 2 days after. I am now 3 weeks after 2nd surgery and doing fine!

No worries get it done. Then you will not have healed. So 2nd time was good.

The Dr's did give me a general,because I moved too much during first surgery. 

I am 68 and feel blessed to have gone to emergency when I passed out. I heard the nurse say she doesn't have a pulse. They then shocked me.Which was very painful. Although saved my life. I think they shocked me 3 times. Moved me to the trauma room and put a temporary pacemaker

Which was outside of my body. 

I am so thankful to the Dr's and nurses!



by Lilah_Mae - 2018-10-20 17:01:09

Thank you for the info, glad you made it through everything okay! 

No EP?

by AgentX86 - 2018-10-20 21:17:30

Did I read you right in that you're not already seeing an electrophysiologist?  Your case isn't simple and an EP is essential for any of this stuff.  You need a very experienced one, at that.


by Lilah_Mae - 2018-10-20 22:16:44

TUnfortunately I’m in a small area where there is no EP readily available and I was fairly ignorant of the need for one until recently. My cardiologist presented as very confident and knowledgeable in managing my condition, but I question this now. I trusted that he would do what was right for me, but after learning more I agree, I should’ve been seeing an EP from the beginning. 

I’m frustrated to need a second procedure now as I’ve already been on limited activity (and had to quit my job) for over two months. My first surgery didn’t fix the problem and I was pretty upset to learn they only placed the ventricular lead. 

From what I understand sick sinus syndrome is pretty rare in someone my age, especially because I wasn’t born with any congenital issues. And Junctional Escape rhythm is dangerous and puts me at higher risk for sudden cardiac arrest or stroke. Is that correct? I’ve mostly educated myself about these issues via online medical journals and such. My cardiologist has been very poor on the education side of things as well. 

Learn, learn, learn....

by BOBTHOM - 2018-10-20 23:00:59

Sorry for what your going through but glad to read that you are learning.  These days doctors don't have the time to educate us and if something goes wrong we don't always give clear enough answers.  By learning we can have educated discussions with the doctors and get issues resolved quickly.  Well, that's the theory anyway.  Also glad that you found this site.  There are alot of posts and many topics and symptoms.  They may help you get a better understanding of your condition, what you can expect, and what you need to tell the doctors.

Good luck!

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I have a well tuned pacer. I hardly know I have it. I am 76 year old, hike and camp alone in the desert. I have more energy than I have had in a long time. The only problem is my wife wants to have a knob installed so she can turn the pacer down.