
My question is – Would I pull out or damage the leads to my pacemaker?

I have played 8 ball in league for many years but with all the stretching across the table with the arm that the Pacemaker is on can't be good for the leads. In play and practice (three to four times a week - for a few hours at a time), I would repeatedly have my arm stretched out and very much above or at the shoulder height but in a forward laying position over the pool table.


Let me add.... Do you or have you played billiards mainly 8 ball bar league? My doctors concerns were not the leads pulling out of the pacemaker but pulling out of the heart where they are screwed in; I will be talking with him next week. But I have been hearing yes & no to repetitive upper arm movement in this sport and if anyone does play/practice I would love to hear from you? To those who have played; did you have to modify the way you played? Thanks for your feed-back....


it's ok

by Tracey_E - 2018-11-01 09:50:29

Once you heal, it's fine. The leads are thin and strong, intended to move with us. They aren't put in tight, there is plenty of slack between where they come out of the vein and where they attach to the device. 

APA 8 and 9 ball....

by BOBTHOM - 2018-11-02 15:44:13

I played both APA 8 ball and 9 ball.  In most cases it's no issue once you have healed.  Just confirm with your doctor what length of time he recommends for the leads to be fully embedded into your heart.  For me the issue is more of a comfort level with some of the positions rather than a fear of the leads.  I just try the shot a different way or take a different shot and play for better position.  But an even bigger problem for me was avoiding the drinking!  Have fun and good luck!

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You run like the bionic woman.

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To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!