Whats going on?

Got my pacemaker Thursday.  Got home yesterday from hospital, today I am moving furniture and packing, driving.   Everything on the list they say not to do but I have no choice.  So since I will be doing the same thing tomorrow and monday and tuesday and wed and prob thurs.  cause I have to move it all myself.  How bad could I really hurt myself?  I have looked at all my options and I am the only one that can do it :/  



by chevy freese - 2018-11-17 20:36:17

No I am not wanting to do this, I have no choice.  I am in more pain.  I am a small person 5 ft 4 100lbs.  Female.  I didnt go in thinking yea when I get out I am going to have to move :/  I just wanted to make sure I really wasnt going to hurt myself like drop dead cause my pacemaker beats for me a lot right now :/  Thank you for replying and letting me know it all went well with you.  Have a great weekend! 


by Tracey_E - 2018-11-18 08:59:55

No you aren't going to drop dead or anything like that.  The only thing we really need to avoid is lifting heavy and raising the arm overhead. Other activities are just going to make us hurt, not do any damage. Lifting too heavy may dislodge your leads which would mean another surgery to put them back.

Any colleges nearby where you could recruit some cheap help to do the heavy lifting?

Ouch indeed

by LondonAndy - 2018-11-18 18:52:39

As ever, I agree with Tracey_E, but also if you are exerting enough to sweat be sure to keep your wound dry and well protected, to avoid the risk of infection.  Infection CAN be very serious, and worst-case scenario can mean a re-do of the operation and long periods on antibiotics.  You don't want dirty sweat running over the wound.

Not taking it seriously enough.....

by BOBTHOM - 2018-11-20 11:44:13

I don't think you are taking your condition seriously enough.  If the device was just implanted you need time for the leads to build scar tissue and stay in place.  Your risk is that you pull the leads out of place and the pacemaker will no longer pace your heart.  So, if your heart is weak, and not paced, would that kill you?  Or just slow you down?  That's what you are risking.

You know you're wired when...

Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

Member Quotes

Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.