Recovery is a pain!

Hi Pacer Family,
I hope all of you are doing well and to all of you who are also struggling that I have been reading posts lately. I just wanted to tell you to stay strong you will get past all these struggles right now. Stay firm with your Dr's and get to the bottom of the way you are feeling. I am praying for each of you.
I am a week in half post op from my surgery and have been back and forth into my regular Dr twice in that time frame once for the HORRIFIC rash that I have. Sorry for being so harsh but I firmly and don't hardly ever use the word hate but I hate hate hives( allergic reactions). I have been doing much better with the hives but still do have them.
Today I called into the nurse in tears begging to please come back in to get something to help me. I have been dizzy, exhausted (can't sleep),and in so much pain from this chest pressure that feels like something stabbing everytime I get a spasm. They fit me in and almost always will if I ever call in. I had to hold a pillow today over my chest to be able to not start crying in front of others.
My Dad took me and the entire time he was able to see my chest jumping in spasms. The nurses every last one came into the room to check on me to see if I was ok. My b/p was sky rocket high for me when at one point I was always use to it being so low. It was running 168/114 in the office. I had a low grade temp of 99.6, and on top of it gained 3lbs in a week.
Well in all he says it is coming from the fact with this one they used the mush bag to hold my pm in and it is stitched down to muscle directly. So my muscles are hating the mush bag right now is how I summed it up to the Dr and he said pretty much. So he gave me some muscle relaxer to help calm it down so I could sleep. My head ache and weird eye feeling is coming from the b/p which I gathered right once they told me what it was. Don't know why I didn't check it at home. The temp i'm not sure. The exciting thing is I have no infection. So he said it's a waiting game to see if body will be ok with it but is sure it will be just will take longer.
I don't know if I really have any questions just thought it was interesting. I am curious if anybody else has had there pacemaker placed in a mush bag b/c of it moving too much.
So now I am on a lot of medications that I never pictured myself being. I gave in to take the strong narcotic type pain medication and felt like a chicken when all the other 5 operations I never had too. Though I decided that if it means I heal faster I am alright with it.
I do believe this year to be a good year for many of us pacers just might take some time to realize it.

Blessings and thanks for reading my long post,
Love and many prayers,


Hi Tammy

by pacergirl - 2010-01-29 01:01:10

You poor dear! I "hate" to see you in such distress! I have suffered a setback myself. You see when I broke my back I also tore the the muscle, tendons and flesh from the bone in my left thumb! It hurts so much I have felt like getting sick to my stomach most of the day. Every muscle in my back has me in a state of pain that just won't quit and I am thinking of taking some major pain killers that will knock me out until tomorrow.
So for now, for you and I it's a lot of medications until our bodies can heal some. I just wish we were closer together so we could keep an eye on one another and maybe have some lunch. I could keep you posted on how your hives are doing and you could tell me how my bruises and thumb are healing. Well, maybe in another life. What I mean to say is... I feel your pain and you aren't alone and now I know that I'm not alone either.
Blessings to you, your friend,

Hang In There

by mike thurston - 2010-01-29 08:01:40

So sorry to hear of your pain Tammy. Not much to say but will keep you in my prayers and send positive vibes your way. Hopefully it will subside in the near future.

lots of love to poorly girl

by Hot Heart - 2010-01-29 09:01:14

Hope you start to feel better soon. HH xx


by tcrabtree85 - 2010-01-29 09:01:32

Oh Susie,
My heart hurts for you. You take those painkillers and sleep. It's the best thing that you can do for yourself right now. I wish I was closer and could sit with you also. So maybe I will just picture that you are sleeping and resting up. Last night was the first night I got some sleep. I slept for four hours at one time and that is amazing.
Take it easy and rest and man does muscle pain hurt so take something please.
To the rest of you thanks so much for your prayers!


You know you're wired when...

You are always wired and full of energy.

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I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.