
As most of you know my healing from my most recent surgery has been hard and challenging.I went in today b/c I couldn't stand that amount of pain in my incision. I didn't think it was infected but could see a stitch poking out. Well, behold it is infected.
So hear is my question how many of you have had had a infection in the incision that has healed with antibiotic without needing surgery.
The Dr is running tests to see if it is MRSA or what kind of infection it would be if it is not MRSA. I'm very nervous about this I don't like the idea of having a infection.
Also seeing stuff coming out of my incision was just gross. Weird how I can push and do anything on anybody else but when it is me it just freaks me out.
Thanks for any info and words of wisdom anybody can give me.




by Tracey_E - 2010-02-16 09:02:25

I'm so sorry to hear you're dealing with yet something else!

You might want to send Angelie a private message. She just got over an infection around her incision, it cleared up without surgery so she was able to have her revision yesterday. I don't think she's checking in here yet but she should get a private message.


by paulb - 2010-02-16 10:02:29

Sorry to hear about the infection. I wish you the
best and hope you have a speedy recovery. Please keep us posted :))

Tammy girl!

by pacergirl - 2010-02-16 10:02:29

Well that's is a little disturbing. I'm really sorry to hear you are having to deal with this. I have not had an infection such as what you are experiencing, but my friend did have MRSA. She is just fine now. She did have some medications to take and she healed just fine. So if it is that, don't let it upset you too much, I know it is something you didn't plan on, but please know I am praying for you... just as you have for me.
Blessings to you dear Tammy,


by tsimbrow - 2010-02-16 10:02:31

Hey Tammy,
I know exactly what you are going through. I had an infection at my pacemaker site 10 years ago and unfortunately I had to have it out because I waited too long to see anyone because I thought I just had the flu. Anyways, antibiotics are the first line of defense and they will wait and watch. Are you at home or in the hospital? I"m a nurse and I do remember what I went through, but I also understand about being able to do things for others, but not yourself. I'm exactly the same. I'm sorry I can't answer your question about antibiotics without surgery seeing as how I had both, but I think they are waiting to see how the antibiotics work and what type of infection it is. That is my guess as a nurse. Good luck and I'll be thinking of you.

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But I think it will make me feel a lot better. My stamina to walk is already better, even right after surgery. They had me walk all around the floor before they would release me. I did so without being exhausted and winded the way I had been.