Still tired

I had my pacemaker surgery done exactly 5 weeks ago today. I have Sick Sinus Syndrome. I had 4 instances of syncope in which my heart stopped beating completely for 30 seconds, with the final two instances being a minute each.  I am a 73 year old female. My question is: Should I still be feeling tired so much? When I wake up, I feel great. After about 3 hours, I have to lie down. If I do anything more than just moderate activity, I have to lie down for about 30 minutes. After the rest, I am good to go for another 2-3 hours.  Should I be concerned about my lack of energy or is this just normal?


Continued Fatigue

by - 2018-12-03 23:01:08


Sounds like the pacemaker has taken care of the pauses you were having from sinus node dysfunction but you are still having profound daytime fatigue. I would talk to your PCP to evaluate two common disorders. First, check your thyroid to make sure all is ok... they usually order a lab called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). Second, sleep apnea is a very common cause of daytime fatigue. Look up the STOP-BANG score on Google and you can see what your risk of sleep apnea may be.

Hope this helps.


by teaching_texas - 2018-12-03 23:45:07

Yes, I have used a CPAP for 7 years. In fact, I just got a new machine within the past 6 months. My TSH results all seem to be OK. Thanks for the suggestions.

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