Thanks to all of you!

I was planning on sending out a post as soon as I had a chance but hadn't been able to get on yet. Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers. I go in for surgery on Wed it shouldn't be too big of a deal at least I keep telling myself that.
They will only be checking to see if they will need to place a stent or not. I'm lacking a lot of energy but doing very well so am hoping that this will not be anything big and I won't need more surgery.
I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much! I will attempt to keep everybody updated as soon as I can.




by Pookie - 2010-08-08 11:08:35

Wishing you the very very best.


Cardio Cath

by cruz - 2010-08-09 11:08:01

I had the cardio cath. They were checking to see if there were any blocked arteries. If there are blocked arteries they go in through the same small incision used to check and then immediately do the stents. It really is quite simple, although I know that's easy for me to now. I worried too. It was outpatient surgery and even though I was only sedated, I slept soundly through the entire thing. In fact, I slept so well that I told my daughters I thought it was unforgiveable that the doctor didn't see and talk to me either before or after the procedure. They laughed and said, "he was here before and after the procedure and you talked to him both times." Try not to worry..


by jessie - 2010-08-09 11:08:05

thinking of is a lot but soon it will be done and you can start to feel better hon hugs jessie

God Bless ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-08-09 12:08:55

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, especially on Wednesday and during your great progress ahead. Just keep us posted on how good you are doing.

Enjoy that happy sleep in la-la land. Stay UNstressed and remember to listen to your own body and what it is telling you. Do not hesitate to call your Dr. for any reason after you get home and are recuuperating.

Bear Hugs to All,
Carolyn in TEXAS ~ Think, Dream, Wonder, Live. Smile ~


by tcrabtree85 - 2010-08-11 02:08:15

Thanks for all the thoughts. I will be awake for the procedure. A month ago I was also without pain meds. This time I will get pain meds. I have never been asleep for any of my surgeries. So no happy la-la land that would be weird if I was asleep. The vena cava is a little different than other areas they will have to place a stent in a different day b/c of the pacemaker and leads needing to be taken out. Or at least thats what the Dr explained on Monday.
I pray for all of you that you are not getting flooded out like we are in Iowa right now from all this stupid rain.
Have a blessed week and thank you again for your support.

Love and Prayers,

Keep us posted

by qwerty - 2010-08-11 12:08:37

Good to hear from you Tammy. Keep posting! We love to hear you are doing better.

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