
Well, next Wed the 4th, is the big day, I finally see a real Cardiologist.........FIVE YEARS has been to long to not see one.

It won;t be in Seattle rite off the back as plan........But a bit ok,

The Interior of Alaska, finally got a Cardiologist from Idaho, and he will be starting to see patients next week....

The most exciting thing is, he's not assicatied, with the Heart Group In Anchorage Alaska..........he's employed thur the group that owes our hospital....

Today, I have to get my knee drain and talk to the speicalist on when the ok is for the Total Knee replacement..

Update, about the so called friend........

She, still gets on my case about my pace maker and ne driving ect, but I have learn to just TONE her out. My husband said the other note, that he can't beleive she is this way....

But I prove her worng on a few things...........I'm tired of sitting home 24/7 and staring at walls, so, while I'm laid up from Knee surgery, I'm going to be studying for my Alaska Insurance exam and taking correspondenses courses in Real Estate for the State of Alaska . I'm excited. I already have a insurance company and Real Estate office who's willing to take me on , if I pass my state test...... This is a speical thing for my and a goal I have set for myself.

About 2 weeks ago, i notice a lite beep coming from my Pace Maker area........I only hear it once in a while.........My husband told me I'm hearing things haha

I went online to Medtronics and saw the Insync will beep off and on with the battery is running low or if there is problems with it...Does any know for sure and can you please advise me.

Your pacer friend



Great news!

by auntiesamm - 2007-03-27 07:03:31

Hi Tigger,

Great news on the cardiologist and your appointment. I am so glad for you that you will be seen much sooner than you had thought. Maybe you won't need to go to Seattle at all. Wouldn't that be a blessing?

I am having my left knee replacement on May 8. At this point I am really looking forward to it. If the results are as good as the right knee I should be in terrific shape after.

When I had the right knee done I was off work just 6 weeks and was fully functional by about 3 weeks with Physical Therapy. Things were slow at my hotel job so I took a full 6 weeks to "play". Be sure when you see your orthopedic surgeon to ask about the newer knee replacement just for women. Until recently there have only been replacement joints based on a male bone structure. They had to work to make it fit a woman's body. I will be getting the new knee and am assured that both knees will be the same afterwards.

Keep me posted. You can always email me at: AuntieSamm@msn.com. Take care and keep the faith.

Cardiac eval

by auntiesamm - 2007-03-28 02:03:49

Hi Again, Yes, I have to have a cardiac evaluation within the 2 weeks prior to surgery to include an EKG. I had an interrogation just 3 weeks ago and all is well. I'll be waiting to hear back from you after the surgeon's appt. you have tomorrow. Good luck.

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I am just now 40 but have had these blackouts all my life. I am thrilled with the pacer and would do it all over again.