
I had a pacemaker implanted two months ago.  It worked fine (set at 60-69) until this morning when my heart rate went to 102 and it has stayed there all day.  My cardiologist and the rep for the device saw me and they say that the atrial lead is dislodged or not working properly.  Since I have no symptoms and are quite active the choices are to go in and "revise" the lead or do nothing.  I'm not crazy about another hospital stay, but neither do I like seeing my heart rate so high.  Has anybody experienced a "lead revision"?  Thanks!


102 Heart Rate

by AgentX86 - 2019-02-22 08:30:59

I have no idea what it means to have a lead "revised" (I suspect you heard that wrong) but it needs to be fixed. First, you have the pacemaker for a reason. That reason hasn't gone away just because a lead has been damaged or dislodged.  second, remaining at a heart rate over 100 for any period of time will cause cardiomyopathy. That has to be fixed, and sooner rather than later.

That said, something doesn't make sense here. Pacemakers don't reduce the heart rate, only increase it. Losing a lead shouldn't cause an increased heart rate. It seems that there is something else going on here. You don't give a lot of information though.


by cinefan - 2019-02-22 10:37:20

Thanks for your reply.  On December 19, 2018, I had the pacemaker installed to correct bradycardia--I was in the mid 30s; the PM put me in the 60s. The pacemaker worked fine, but on February 19 I underwent cardioversion to correct my heart rhythm unrelated to the pacemaker; the heart rate remained in the 60s.  For two days everything was normal, but yesterday morning  I went into the 96-102 range.  A subsequent visit with a rep from the PM manufacturer and my cardiologist resulted in their conclusion about the lead needing to be "revised," the term they used.  Since they were only speculating based on my readings, I'm not sure that their assessment was correct.  They indicated that the doctor would have to go in and fix the problem.  However, starting last night and continuing through this morning, my heart rate is back in the 60s!  After an hour of tennis this morning, I was "up" to 68 so now I'm completely baffled as to the cause of the change.  By the way, neither with the bradycardia nor with my pulse at 102 did I have any symptoms.  I was told to resume all activities so long as I felt fine which I have been.  Again, thank you for responding.


by Gotrhythm - 2019-02-22 15:20:50

The term revise is medical-speak for a surgical do-over.

Not that you need my opinion, but I think you are wise to wait and see, since your hr is once again normal for you and you feel well.


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