Surgery tomorrow

I’m going to have a pacemaker installed tomorrow and am nervous about the whole thing. Any thoughts from someone who has recently had it done?



It will be ok

by Firechick1341 - 2019-03-14 23:05:56

I had my pacemaker surgery last Friday. It was done in the EP lab. Lots of people hooking you up to monitors. I was under conscious sedation for the whole thing. Pain was not great after the numbing stuff wore off. My advice is to ask any questions you have or clarification on anything, even if you think it is silly. You will do great! 

No Worries

by Jmiller - 2019-03-15 00:37:45

You will find it's not a big deal.   You will go in for the procedure and wake up with it done.   I've had 3 PM's/ICDs, lead changes and all was good.   The only thing is to listen to the doctors and allow it all to heal as they direct.   Wonderful devices.

Good Luck, let us know how it goes.

Painful after

by Newbie4444 - 2019-03-15 14:58:05

just had my first one implanted last Friday. Not to alarm you, but I wish I had been forewarned of the pain. I got mine placed under the muscle, closer toward my armpit and I am a female so some say all these reasons are why it’s more painful. I was on Percocet for 5 days post op. By the 6th day I felt a significant improvement and here I am 1 week later and I can manage to shower, dress, and take care of myself again- woohoo! Still a little pain, but only When moving my arm. The surgery itself was nothing - I was soo scared before, but then they knocked me out and it was great


by Jmiller - 2019-03-15 21:10:52

Yeah under the muscle for sure hurts more.   The result will be better though, you won't have that big lump under your skin.  Hope you heal fast.

First timer too

by RedRocksGirl - 2019-03-17 17:08:32

I just had my first ICD put in 3 months ago. I’m very laid back and low anxiety person but pretty much was freaked out about the whole thing. That being said the next morning after the procedure I felt like a completely new person. My symptoms were completely gone: no more coughing, no more fluid in my lungs, no more shortness of breath, no more feeling Every. Single. Heartbeat. It was heaven. Mine was sub pectoral too, kinda below my armpit. While I am still having some pain there, it’s random and not constant and I’m anticipating it will go away eventually. I haven’t felt this good since I developed heart failure 2 1/2 years ago. I think once your procedure is done you’ll feel a big sense of relief just that that part is over! Best of luck to you! :)

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