Not sitting up right causing chest pain?

Hi All, I got my new CRT in December and a new job that unfortunately puts me sitting behind a desk (it doesn’t stand). 

I haven’t had the best posture and have caught myself hunching over like Smeegal over the last couple days/weeks and have had chest pain as a result.

My night monitor says all is ok, no alarms on the doctors side at all and according to them all is good.

The pain is like a big discomfort, slightly sore, stiff around the heart and upper left chest area.

Has anyone else experienced this? I have a shoulder brace strap I’m going to wear. Right now I’m man down on the couch with shoulders back. Even breathing deeply hurts. Some say it could be gas? 

I havent eaten healthy lately and am overweight.

Anyone with anything similar would help, just so I know I’m not losing it.




when I bend over

by Uelrindru - 2019-03-22 07:57:27

I get this when I bend over. it's mostly gone away as has the back pain I was getting when I just came back to work. talk to your doctors about it and physically move around while your bed ridden, it helps a lot.

Would also add my support for the cardiac rehab, did wonders for me.

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