no marathon

Hello all,
It's going on 4 weeks since I got my pm. It was a rocky start but I have been doing better daily, for the most part. I still don't feel 100% yet. I'm writing today because today was the marathon I was hoping to run. I had trained and lost 50 lbs but due to bradychardia I was given the pm and my first marathon went out the window. I went out to cheer on my friend and training partner. I was so sad at first but when he ran by I jumped out and ran with him to talk to him. He had my name written on his arm to help keep him going. It's weird to be in that postion. Funny, he's thankful he doesn't have a pm and I'm thankful I do. I ran with him for quite a while and it was awesome. It was so discouraging to not be able to run the race, but it is such a gift to be able to run at all.
I felt good the whole way but eventually I was becoming more aware of my chest, no pain just heavy I guess. I quit and walked. I'll try again in a couple weeks.
Thanks again for all your help these last weeks. The emotional support here is awesome.



by bambi - 2007-04-15 10:04:04

Hi Rusty,
You have a great attitude, and with that attitude you'll be feeling a lot better almost daily! Your comment about it being able to run at all was awesome! Thanks for making my day! I think we are all living better lives with our devices. Have a great week! Bambi

You can do it.

by pizzicato - 2007-04-18 01:04:58

You did it before. You'll do it again. I'm a serious walker. I've walked one marathon and 4 half marathons in the 15 months since I got my pacemaker. My 2007 goal is a half marathon each month.

I AM disappointed that I can't go fast anymore. I breathe hard on hills and if I try to walk fast. I used to average 15 minutes per mile for a half marathon. Now it is 17.

We have changed my meds from Toprol to diltiazem to verapamil and the pacemaker mode from DDI to VVI because I have alternating fast or slow atrial beats. Any suggestions on what to do next? My next pacemaker check is 3 weeks away.


by lucybell - 2007-08-14 05:08:12

Hi- I just got a pacemaker last week and was wondering how long you waited until you started exercising again? I am young and healthy otherwise from the pacemaker and an avid exerciser. When were you able to start back running or just going to the gym?

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