Opening in scar

I had my first pacemaker placed almost 6 weeks ago. About a week ago I noticed a small opening in the scar that would open up/drain when I showered. I went back to the doctor and had a stitch knot removed from that area. It still hasn't completely healed and I now have a second smaller opening and am currently taking antibiotics. Has anyone else had a similar issue? I am reading horror stories about what would happen if the device becomes infected.



by Tracey_E - 2019-04-07 09:36:43

A second opening is not a good sign, no. Have you had cultures? It's important to be sure you are on the right antiobiotics asap. 


by GO03090614 - 2019-04-07 10:14:31

No. But I am going in to see my doctor tomorrow. I'm just wondering if anyone has been treated with antibiotics only. Everything I've read seems like they have to take the whole device out in order to get it treated.


by Tracey_E - 2019-04-07 10:19:22

It doesn't always have to come out, not if you catch it early enough and hit it hard enough with the right antibiotics. If it looks like it's spreading, that's when they take it out. The leads go straight to the heart, so that's why they sometimes remove everything. 


by GO03090614 - 2019-04-07 10:28:36

But how are they able to tell if it's only superficial versus it spreading to the leads without opening you up

How do they know?

by AgentX86 - 2019-04-07 16:30:04

They often don't know. That's the problem and why you can't screw around with infections. As Tracey says, it has to be hit and hit hard with the right antibiotics so there is no doubt.

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