Using a sander?

Hello Everyone,

The weather is nice and I want to refinish/ stain a table. It’s a small project that requires some sanding. I was wondering if anyone had used a sander with their device, any problems? Tips?. I will call Medtronic just to be sure, but just curious. Thanks in advance, Paula


Absolutely no problem

by AgentX86 - 2019-04-10 16:47:25

It won't bother your pacemaker at all but if you use a coarse paper, it'll really tear up the skin over it. ;-)

go for it

by Tracey_E - 2019-04-10 17:43:54

If you pace with rate response, your rate may go up because the vibration of the sander will trick it into thinking you are working out. Feels weird but it's harmless. 

Projects galore

by pacergirl - 2019-04-10 21:20:20

I use my sander all the time to make birdhouses, frames and other projects. I've never had any issues with my PM while using the sander. My arms sometimes tingle some but it's because I'm sanding too long.

Hove fun! 

p.s. I would love to see some pictures of your projects!

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Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.