Low heart rate

Hi, I have all my life had low heart rate, 50’s

i am now 41yrs old and started having palpitations, and quite regular and nearly passing out several time, so thought I should see my doc, I did last week, she booked me for ecg next day and rang me a hour having it done and asked me to move my appointment forward to as soon as possible and to have another ecg before the appointment, which is tomorrow. 

So my resting heart rates 42, has gone down to 32 whilst asleep . 

Does this story sound familiar to anyone . 

Thank you for any comments xx





Low heart rate = and good physician

by crustyg - 2019-04-14 11:09:48

Hi Cazzahill: it certainly sounds familiar and good that you sought advice and great that your doc has acted quickly.

Not a lot of point in us speculating without seeing your ECG.

Tomorrow will come soon enough, it sounds as though you are in good hands,

Best wishes.


by Tracey_E - 2019-04-14 17:27:01

Lots of us have similar stories! A normal resting rate is above 60. We can get by with it lower than that, but when it dips much below 50 and/or we get symptomatic, it's time to look into fixing it. Things like this stay the same or worsen, they don't magically fix themselves. Good luck tomorrow. 


by PacedNRunning - 2019-04-15 04:31:30

But I’m not symptomatic. 50’s for years. Then became a runner. Average 40’s And 30’s at night. Won’t treat until I’m symptomatic as in passing out 

follow up

by Cazzzahill - 2019-04-15 11:06:27

been too the docs, they are fitting me with a ECG for 24 hours, then ref to cardiologist, they said my heart rate low and have a long T (not sure what that means though)

I have nearly passed out a couple of times in the last couple of weeks.

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