arm issues?

Hello all,
It's been a while since I have posted. It's been about a year and a half since I got my PM. Since that time I have been healthy and exercising. I have a medtronic dual lead I got for SSS. I was running yesteday and I noticed my left arm was much weaker and tingly than my right. I'm sure it's not a heart attack but it just feels different from my right arm. I have also noticed a few spots on it like slight bruises.
Does having a pm effect the left arm? how?
Thank you all, this site is my comfort.


PM and arm

by kish - 2008-07-28 04:07:41

I got my PM just over a year ago and my arm is so much weaker then the right arm, and I used to have great arms from playing volleyball. I still have a few light burses and swollen around the incision area too, and it is sore on a regular bases, but even more so when I stretch at the begging of and threw out my works outs.

I was told just keep working on it on a regular basics and should come back to the same strength it was. They checked somethings and it was all good so they were not concerned about it.

But the best thing is to tell you doctor or the person who checks your PM just so they know and can make sure it is nothing. Hope it stops hurting.

Arm issues????

by pacergirl - 2008-07-28 10:07:56

Hi, I'd just like to add that I was having some problems with my left arm and it turned out that I had a serious problem. If you have had it checked out and you don't feel satisfied with the answer.... get a 2nd opinion. Your arm is worth the trouble and so is your life.

I don't wish to alarm you.... however my swollen, bruised arm turned out to have a very large blood clot problem.

So in closing please keep asking questions until somebody listens to your concerns.

Best of luck,

Agree with Pacergirl!

by bambi - 2008-07-28 11:07:53

Hey Rusty,
I think that because this came up all of a sudden, something's going on! I immediately thought perhaps you have, or are developing a blood clot.Why not be safe and get it checked out? I too had swelling, weakness, tingling, pain, and numbness in my left arm that turned out to be a blocked subclavian vein! I wouldn't wait on this!


by jessie - 2008-07-29 01:07:06

don't now.jessie

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