Pacemaker has moved

Hello! I know there are lots of posts about this already but just interested to see peoples recent experiences. The other day I was awkwardly reaching to the back of a cupboard (for snacks obviously) and felt a sudden sharp pain over my PM site. I immediately recoiled my arm. The next day I had my arm up on top of the sofa and felt the same pain. Overnight, and this is very very hard to explain but just to the left of my PM scar I now have what look like 2 new tiny scars. Like the scar a stitch would leave. It’s defintily a scar and is raised and looks just like my PM scar. And I can feel my pacemaker has moved to the right. It’s not bothering me like I would on my bra strap or putting on deodorant (as it was really close to my armpit) and I can feel the wires under my skin are in a different position. If anything it’s in a more comfortable place now! Just these 2 little scars are baffling me. I’m going to call my pacemaker clinic tomorrow but I expect they will just tell me it is fine. 


Pacemaker has moved

by RedRocksGirl - 2019-04-28 19:53:35

I dont know what the new "scars" would be from, but my ICD (that was put in in January) "broke free" a couple months after it was initially put in. I can't pinpoint an exact time that it happened, but there was a time a few weeks out that I had my arm kind of behind me when  was sitting on the bed and put a little weight on it and felt a horrible sharp pain.  A few weeks after that I was having more random pain and it seemed to have moved over to the side a little bit. Eventually it was moving around A LOT, I could feel it move if I bent forward or sometimes rolled over on my side. Ends up the suture holding it broke and I had to back in two weeks ago and have them secure it back in again. (Great x-ray of where it dropped down to posted in the gallery on this website) The doctor was worried about the leads breaking as it moved around and it got more and more painful each day as it would shift.  

I hope they get it figured out for you and that it nothing they'll have to really go back in and fix.  Have it checked out for sure! Best of luck!  :)

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This is my second Christmas with my pacemaker and I am so happy to be with my family.