Help needed

I am 31 years old and recently breast fed my baby for a year. I weight 102 lbs. and the breast feeding left me with concaved looking/ and very flat chested. I have a pacemaker submammary- which means its under my breast muscle. They cut and went in from the bottom of my breast. 

Im looking for ANY information anyone has about breast implants and submammary placed pacemakers since they seem to be located in the same region. 

Thank you immensly!


help needed

by RedRocksGirl - 2019-04-29 22:15:55

Are you looking at getting implants? I have them, (under the muscle) and had my first ICD placed in January.  They put the ICD subpectorally, so it was behind the implants. So it's bresat tissue, then pec muscle, then implant, then ICD under that.

When I talked to the EP who was doing the ICD implantation and told him I had breast implants he didnt seem concerned, I think they have experience doing that and it's not a problem. They put my ICD in from up by the collar bone, where you see most pacemaker incisions.

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I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.