Dual chamber pacemaker

I have had a duel chamber pacemaker for about 6 years for complete heart block. All my previous ECGs have showed an atrial sensed ventricular paced rhythm. Now I have switched to an atrioventricular duel-paced rhythm which means my atrium is being paced all the time. Has anyone had this happen? What is the underlying physiology? I am having problems finding out caused this. Thanks for any help.


Same here (but different)

by Coachp9 - 2019-05-03 10:26:34

As they were testing previous to a lead replacement, tests showed my ventrium now needed to be fully paced.  I think I received less than a shrug when I asked why that would happen, when I was only being paced about 20% at a check up 2 months before...

My thought it, they don't know...they really don't know why my heart block occurred as well, so same thing goes for that


by IAN MC - 2019-05-03 15:22:34

I think ar_vin makes a good suggestion . An unfortunate fact of life is that cardiac electrical problems can change over time.

You may never find the cause but I hope that your pacemaker  manages the problem regardless of the cause

Good luck



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