Driving a 4x4 pickup with a BC/ICD

Has anyone had an issue with driving a vehicle that bounces around a lot? I do notice the bouncing does up my heart rate a bit. My real concern is lead dislodgement. Can hitting bumps on the road and driving a vehicle with larger tires thats more prone to bouncing cause problems? So far the in home monitor is showing OK. I am four weeks post procedure and am diving on a regular basis to and from work. Thanks. 



by Tracey_E - 2019-05-16 20:50:27

You aren't going to bounce a lead out of place. What you are feeling is the bumps tricking the rate response into thinking you are working out so it's raising your rate. It's harmless, up to you if you want them to make it less sensitive or not. I choose to have mine very sensitive. Sometimes it goes up when it shouldn't, but it's awesome at the gym. 

Re bouncing

by davbrn1765 - 2019-05-17 23:05:30

Thanks. I had no problem driving with my first PM, but this one's bigger due to the ICD. Yes the PM side of it is suppose to support helping your heart rate while jogging. It's not so bothersome with that as it with the seat belt catching on the device area. I love the truck as I am an outdoors person, and will have to get use to it. When hitting the bumps the seat belt pulls down on the incision and device. So I can imagine that the wires are being pushed against as well causing my concern. Thanks again Tracy. 

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