Traveling with Lattitude monitor.

I''m fairly new (Apr 2019) to having PM--it's been an adjustment.  Have appreciated comments here.  I'm a Club Member now.  Do you take your monitor with you on short, i.e. 5 day trips?  If so, what is best way to pack and travel with it when flying?  



by AgentX86 - 2019-05-30 22:39:43

I was told not to bother taking it on vacation.  However, it depends on your situation.  If it's calling home every night, it's probably a good idea to ask your cardiologist/EP.  If it's just used to transmit when you have an issue and a couple of times a year (instead of going to the device clinic), then no, it's not worthwhile.  I was told that if I were traveling I could go to any hospital or even many fire houses (with EMTs) to have it interrogated.  Hauling the monitor around is huge overkill for most of us.


by Tracey_E - 2019-05-31 11:54:16

I've never taken mine anywhere, have been gone for as long as a month. 

Not needed

by Grandmoi - 2019-05-31 23:16:20

Just asked my EP this today....he said to leave it at home and have fun on my mini-vacation next week :)...since you have a new pacemaker, you should ask your MD...

Lattitude Monitor.

by Piti - 2019-06-02 18:09:18

THanks for the comments...Sounds like I don't need to take it with, but will check with Dr.  

I called Boston Scientific and talked them...  They didn't mention an app, that would be great if they had one.  

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I’m healthy as a horse because of the pacemaker.