Do you pack your home monitor in your suitcase or your carry-on?

I'm going out of town for the first time since getting a biventricular pacemaker.  I'm trying to decide between packing my home monitor in my suitcase or my carry-on.  I'm leaning towards taking it in my carry-on, but it's pretty bulky, especially if I bring it in its box, and I don't want to have one more thing to deal with at the security screening.

On the other hand, if I put it in my suitcase, it could get lost.  (If it got delayed, it wouldn't be catastrophic because it doesn't monitor continuously, only if I'm having a problem and I send something to the clinic to be checked out.  But I'm assuming it might be expensive to replace.) 

What do you usually do?  Do the security people make you get them out if  you take it in a carry-on?  



I don't

by AgentX86 - 2019-06-06 15:05:46

Unless you're constantly monitored, there is no reason to pack it at all. If something goes wrong and you absolutely need to have your pacemaker queried, you can go to pretty much any hospital or even most fire stations (EMTs). You new pacemaker isn't an anchor. It'll take a little time but you need to forget about it.


by ROBO Pop - 2019-06-06 15:18:40

You got everything you need packed in your chest.

travel with pacemaker monitor

by islandgirl - 2019-06-07 21:49:01

Per my EP, I had to travel with my PM monitor (I now have an ICD and have to travel with the monitor as well).  I packed it in the check-in bag, wrapping it in a long pair of pants.  I think chances of getting lost are pretty slim.  I've travelled all over the world with the monitor.

Check with your EP to make sure it's necessary to carry with you.  Everybody's situation is different.  A couple of my friends don't need a monitor with the PM.  

Don't stress youself with the use of the monitor.  

Thanks everyone!

by Jo S - 2019-06-08 09:56:51

Thanks for your responses, everyone.

The clinic paperwork told me to take the monitor if I'm gone for more than a few days; the device check nurse said more than two weeks.  It's not monitored continuously, but if I take it with me and I have a concern, I have the option of transmitting data to my clinic instead of going to an ER (assuming it's not an urgent-seeming concern).  Given I've had it less than a month and I'm going to higher altitudes than I'm used to, that's important to me this time.  In the future, once this feels more routine, I could see leaving it behind ffor a short trip and just taking my chances on having to find somewhere to get it checked if I needed to. 

You know you're wired when...

Your old device becomes a paper weight for your desk.

Member Quotes

I wasn't really self-conscious about it. I didn't even know I had one until around six or seven years old. I just thought I had a rock in my side.