Blood Pressure with Pacemaker

Two and a half months now with my pacemaker.  I dealt with some heart palpitations on and off during my 6 week recovery period.  Since I have been increasing my activity and exercise I have been feeling pretty great lately.  Now my blood pressure seems to be slightly elevated though.  I had a doctor appointment the other day and my doctor mentioned the BP.  Since then I have been checking it at home because my doctor wants reports in about a month and its not going down any.  When I say slightly elevated (130/86).  I know that isn't that high but they want that bottom number closer to the 70's these days.  My wife has also been mentioning a change in my attitude lol and I seem to be noticing the pressure change.

Has anyone else experienced any changes in there blood pressure after they had a pacemaker installed?  I am wondering if the fact that my heart is pumping better now that maybe it is affecting my blood pressure.



by Tracey_E - 2019-06-14 09:25:51

How often were you checking it before you were paced? All the pacer does is make the heart beat faster, in theory it has no direct effect on bp. 


BP change

by AgentX86 - 2019-06-14 15:53:29

It's unusual but not unheard of for your BP to change after a PM is implanted. It usually the first number that increases, because the heart is pumping better. This would indicate that the heart was pretty weak, though. The second number relates more to the back pressure from the arteries. A sudden increase would indicate stress, to me. The heart doesn't have much influence on this number (by itself)..

BP Change

by AmazonHunter - 2019-06-14 16:23:00

Thanks for your replies.  I have been under a ton of stress lately.  That may be it. 

Heart Rate Matters with Blood pressure

by Selwyn - 2019-06-16 12:41:59

BP= HR x CO x PR

Where BP is blood pressure

HR is heart rate

CO is cardiac output.

PR is peripheral resistance

Increase the heart rate and the BP goes up.

Increase the cardiac output and the BP goes up. 

 Peripheral resistance is more or less the diameter of your arterioles.

See for a lead into further information.

You know you're wired when...

Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

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