Blue Diamond

I have been looking into Viagara. Not for erectile dysfunction but simply for an increased bloodflow. My wife and I get intimate, and every now and then as all guys do, i get distracted. My friend gave me a 100mg blue diamond. generic nonetheless, but still real. I am trying to do as much looking into it as possible. Everything is coming back as the pacemaker doesnt care lol. 

I'm 26, and probably don't need it. I think 100mg may be a little too strong for me. Just looking for help guys.


Don’t do it

by Zackalope - 2019-06-19 13:45:33

Other young men have induced a heart attack doing this . Check out dan blesirians story . I would not do this if I were you . You might end up much worse off . 

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It may be the first time we've felt a normal heart rhythm in a long time, so of course it seems too fast and too strong.