update on a soldier

hey all
Well for anyone out there that read my post almost exactly a year ago(Hey Hannah,Hey Cathryn), here is an update. It took me a lot of arguing, and a massive amount of support from both my doctors, my superiors and my partner, but we did it. I am now the first member with a pace maker who has been given the official ok to not only stay in the Army, but to chose the direction of my career with almost no restrictions. I still train hard, tho, at almost 39 now, and with the pacer doing it's thing, and the need to 'prove' myself 24/7 gone, i have eased it up a bit! But we did it, and, i believe, any of us can. the medication takes a while to get right, the pacer takes a while to get used to, but we have been given a rare second( third, fourth...) chance. And so it is our duty to live to the full. Good luck to you all


Another Aussie

by busby - 2008-04-27 09:04:19

Hi Gonzi,
Congratulations on your achievements in the army. I can see no reason why you should not have been allowed to stay in the army. I may not be as fit as you but I try to stay as active as possible. If anything I am fitter now than I was before my PM.
I lived in Sydney half my life and my family still lives there. I now live on the North Coast near Byron.
Sorry to hear about your doctor. That must have been quite a shock as you tend to get quite close to your cardiologist. I have not heard of him. What hospital did he work at?
Congratulations again

thanks Cathryn :->

by Gonzi - 2008-04-27 10:04:17

Hey girl
Thanks heaps for your message. Yep, looks like the Australian Army takes ALL kinds!! Hope all is well in your world. Actually, where IS your world??? That's the weird thing about this medium. we are anywhere and yet at the exact same place. Sometimes you just gotta love the www.....sometimes!
Take care, talk soon
Gonzi ( or Sasha to my civi mates) !!!

You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

Yesterday was my first day mountain biking after my implant. I wiped out several times and everything is fine. There are sports after pacemakers!