Boston Visionist CRT

Hi Guys,

I,m back to pacemaker clinic tomorrow. I'm hoping they can sort out the issue I'm having when running.

All is good till my heart rate goes above 142 - no matter how fast or slow i'm going the Breathing doesn't match the effort and I get tired after a few mins of this.

I'm asking them to put me on enduracne setting. Current ly on athletic setting.

Also I'm goign to ask about "smoothing the rate response.

Anything else I should ask?





Endurance setting

by Kimberly2019 - 2019-10-17 23:00:08

What is endurance setting 

Endurance setting

by Kimberly2019 - 2019-10-17 23:00:31

What is endurance setting 

You know you're wired when...

You have a dymo-powered bike.

Member Quotes

One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.