My doc got a big hug today!

I had my first annual device check and checkup with my EP today.  He was thrilled I'm doing so well! And so am I.  I know not everyone has had smooth sailing after PM implant, so I count myself very fortunate.  I struggled for years with disabling AFIB/Aflutter, and I know my EP was disappointed he couldn't cure me and had to resort to, well -- the last resort:  an AV node ablation and a PM 100% paced.  I cannot feel the AFIB anymore and have gotten my life back. 

Some points I asked/talked about:

--I have lost over 40 pounds and am working hard on losing more.  I asked about the effect of weight loss and my PM.  I was told the only thing is that the device itself would be more prominent/I would feel it more.

--I asked about the effect of cardiovascular exercise with my PM, because I wasn't clear about it, and was told that it's just as beneficial to the heart as if I had no PM.

-I asked whether my device was a CRT ("cardiac rescynchronization therapy" device) and it is.  I gathered that from my research, but no one actually referred to it that way.

--I felt nothing during the device interrogation -- was told that some people find it uncomfortable, but since I'm PM dependent I wouldn't feel anything.

--I still have 9 years left on my battery.  I would have thought that being 100% paced would use it up faster, but apparently not.

All in all, a very positive checkup.  I hope it stays that way!


Last resort...

by AgentX86 - 2019-10-22 23:15:57

We're not "100% paced", rather "pacemaker dependent".  There is a very important difference.  We require the pacemaker for the heart to beat "normally".  Sometimes there ectopic beats or "junctional rhythm" is enough to survive but it's not to be counted on.  The fact that you didn't find the interrogation quite uncomfortable tells me that you do have a decent junctional rhythm.  The test makes me sick.  Fortunately, it's a quick test.

I've never had anyone tell me for certain that all AV ablation patients get CRT pacers but it makes sense.  We don't have AV (top/bottom) schyncrony, we probably should be good left/right. My pacemaker is also good for about 9yrs. Of course, that's just a guess.

I've lost a lot of weight, too, but not all that much (25ish) in the 20mos since getting the PM.  But I walk a *lot*.  ...or I did before Saturday.


Pacemaker Dependant

by Violet West - 2019-10-22 23:37:15

yes, that's a better term.  I was dreading the interrogation a bit after what I've read here -- I'm sorry it makes you- feel sick.

I can't walk much for long--too much pain in the hips and rest of my lower body.  But I can dance!

AgentX86-I went back and read your recent posts.  So sorry for the setback!  You are so helpful here; be sure to keep us posted!

sharp pains

by - 2019-10-23 11:00:46

I have had my pacemaker implant as of June 2019 and every so often get sharp pains on my left arm and leg wondering if others have had this happen  never had this happen until I had a pacemaker implant  it occurs mostly at nite in bed it wakes me up but doesnt last very long about a couple of minutes very annoying...will get this checked out with my heart surgeon...


by BarbD - 2019-10-23 13:21:55

Do you know if your EF has improved since getting the CRT?   At my 1st device check they said I had 9+ years on my CRT but I just had my 6 month checkup and they said its now at 7.5 years and that the 1st interrogation isn't accurate for determining battery life :-(


by Violet West - 2019-10-23 18:48:54

Have no idea what my ejection fraction is or even what it is or if I have it.  No one has ever mentionied that term to me. 


by NormaLou - 2019-10-28 03:45:55

Hello Violet West,

Ejection fraction is a measurement of the percentage of blood leaving your heart each time it contracts. ejection fraction of 55 percent or higher is considered normal.

You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for gaining an extra ounce or two.

Member Quotes

I swim, scuba, garden, hike, climb, workout, play with the kids, play tennis, baseball, basket ball and rollerblade with mine with no problem.