Is it true that if you have a pacemaker you can be exempt iof VAT on purchases?


Wouldn't that be lovely!

by crustyg - 2019-11-11 13:11:05

Sadly, no.


by IAN MC - 2019-11-11 13:35:29

It is a great rumour , keep on spreading it .... who knows , it may help persuade our politicians. . I would certainly vote for any party which promised it.

Unfortunately , taxes are like heart-rates...... pacemakers won't reduce either of them.



by Claracluck - 2019-11-12 03:42:55


Actually not as daft as it sounds. I looked this up on the hmrc site. You can claim Vat back for disability aids and disability cars for certain conditions no mention of pacemakers though. Worth a look if you live in the UK. 

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