rash question

Hello people...

I got a new pm 8 months ago...Along with taking out the old vdd pm...they extracted a 14 year single lead (9 french).

The new pm is a dual chamber with two leads.

Everything seems fine...although i have notice a rash on top of the sternum (center)...is this a concern? The EP said to be ware of any rash over the pm site (no rash there)...and scar is healed fine.

Your advice appreciated...Starrider


Pesty Rashes

by ela-girl - 2007-10-28 07:10:09

Hi, starrider.

I developed a tape rash over the incision site like 6 weeks after my pm was implanted last year. How annoying! But you say the rash is on your sternum and not over the incision scar...hmmm. The only thing that comes to mind is: are you taking any medications that may be new and causing a reaction? I also was on levaquin after getting my pm to prevent any infections and I had a TERRIBLE reaction to it (come to find out I am allergic to quinolones and my twin almost died taking a quionlone med.). Part of the reaction was my having hives and rashes and my throat closing up. Or have you started using a new bath product or laundry soap or eating anything new? Just some thoughts. If unsure, always consult your doc and go in. It's worth the peace of mind and you could be preventing something bigger!

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